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Mauritius Shines on Netflix with Honeymoon Crashers

Mauritius Shines on Netflix with Honeymoon Crashers

Honeymoon Crashers (Lune de Miel avec ma Mère), filmed almost entirely in Mauritius, has been making waves on Netflix, breaking into the Top 10 in over 100 countries and maintaining its spot in many regions. In Mauritius, it continues to top the list, marking a significant milestone for the local film industry and reinforcing the island’s appeal as a production hub.

This success not only highlights Mauritius’ cinematic potential but also the expertise of industry professionals working behind the scenes. With a predominantly local crew, increasing investment in professional-grade equipment, and the support of key players like Film Studio Mauritius and Light & Light, the island is proving to be a serious contender for international productions.

At Maluti Communications, we’re glad to support these industry players as they continue positioning Mauritius as a top destination for filmmaking.

MediaRelations #MalutiCommunications #MauritiusOnScreen #MauritiusFilmIndustry #HoneymoonCrashers #NetflixTop10 #CinemaMauritius #FilmStudioMauritius #LightAndLight