

Let’s Work Together

Building Trust
Shaping Reputations
Mitigating Risks
Driving Results


Bridging You

Maluti Communications is an independent Public Relations, Reputation Management and Communications company based in Mauritius, an island state strategically located at the crossroad between Africa and India. Established in 2003, the company boasts a robust leadership team with practitioners that leverage on a mix of professionalism, their intrinsic knowledge of the local ecosystem and on the company’s international affiliations with renowned communication advisory firms and specialized advocacy firms.

Our services

We deliver culturally informed communication solutions, driven by your business needs.

Corporate Communications & Reputation Advisory

PR & Communication strategy development as an essential component of your overall goals...

Crisis Communication

Crisis preparedness–a tested and tried methodology that includes reputational risk assessment...

National and International Media Management

Our clients increasingly require us to implement both their national...

Public Affairs

We aim to explain your side of the story in order for it to have an effect...

Thought Leadership

We propose to reinforce the CEO’s branding by working on a plan of Leadership...

Event Management

No matter what type of event, from a simple launch to international Trade shows...

Website & Digital

We create websites and social media platforms to suits your needs...


The new kind of brand, even more so post Covid, is built not only by those who operate it

Content Creation

We help clients create compelling content with information....

Maluti Training

We propose tailor-made training programmes in different communication...


I worked with the Maluti team, for 10 years, in my capacity as Director of the Mauritius Sugar Producers’ Association. During thatis period, the local sugar sector went through an in-depth transformation, following the abolition of the Sugar Protocol that had provided market access and guaranteed prices to sugar producers end of the international protocols which had regulated the sector for decades. This meant a transformation from sugar to a cane industry, with the development of several value-added products, as well as massive mechanization and mill centralization. This meant It also involved ongoing constant communication with the authorities, the media, trade unions, the various internal teams making up the sugar sector, the institutions around the sector, among others. The Maluti team’s expertise and level-headedness, as well as their willingness to rise to the occasion during the numerous tough times we lived through can only be commended. More than a consultant, they became close partners.

Jean Li Yuen Fong Director MSPA (2006 to 2015)


I have worked with Marina and Maluti Communications on numerous occasions particularly for guidance in tackling corporate crisis situations. Marina and her team have always been professional. For each assignment, they provided the right advice with the required level of support. I have been more than satisfied with their level of service and still rely on them for guidance and specific consultancy services related to communications and crisis management. I would highly recommend Marina and her team to any corporate entity that needs guidance on communication, events and crisis management.

Javed Responsable ressources humaines, conglomérat mauricien


Loin d’être un simple prestataire, Maluti est un véritable partenaire qui s’est engagé pleinement sur les missions que nous leur avons confiées. L’équipe, en particulier Marina, possède une faculté d’analyse hors du commun grâce à une connaissance approfondie du secteur des affaires mauricien, une compréhension et un réseau important dans le secteur public, sans compter une maitrise parfaite des rouages des médias. C’ est une agence sur laquelle on peut toujours compter en c’ est avec plaisir que je la recommande.

Aurélie Responsable de communication, conglomérat mauricien


I have known the Maluti team for several years, first in my capacity as CEO of the Joint Economic Council and then as CEO of Business Mauritius which is the institution that represents the overall business community. I can vouch for the team’s professionalism – they operate at a strategic level, collaborate easily with the right network of people, are highly proactive, and always provide intelligent insight. Our collaboration, over several years, was both pleasurable and fruitful, even more so during in disruptive times.

Raj Makoond CEO Business Mauritius (launch to May 2018)


I was accompanied by the Maluti team on several occasions, and more closely during the merger which led to the creation of the new BCE. The team is always professional, thorough, extremely responsive and proactive. They are knowledgeable in terms of Merger communication, Industrial relations communication and Crisis PR. It was empowering and reassuring for me personally having them onboard and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Maluti

Nicolas Pougnet MD, BCE Ltd


J’ai pris les services de Maluti pour la gestion de nos relations presses et l’équipe de Maluti a dépassé mes attentes. L’agence Maluti a été présente pour m’accompagner sur beaucoup de sujets importants, services conseils et veille : une disponibilité et accompagnement de tous les instants. Je ne peux que recommander Maluti, pour un travail de fond et un service personnalisé. Merci Marina.

Karine Chief Marketing and Communication Executive d’un conglomérat mauricien


The Maluti team has been for long, a great support to Caritas Ile Maurice mission specially in emergency response and advocating for the poor. The team support Caritas to communicate more efficiently with all actors and the general public, so as to have more donors and corporate membership.

Patricia Adele Fidele Secrétaire Générale Caritas Ile Maurice


Un partenariat solide et productif depuis 2010, porté par le dynamisme, la réactivité et le professionnalisme de Maluti

Emmanuel Wiehe CEO Inicia


Thank you for all your help on this communication project. I appreciated your professionalism and attention to detail.

Vidia Mooneegan Chairperson Business Mauritius